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Optimization of vibro-acoustic comfort

The 6NAPSE Group offers its customers support, from diagnosis to measurement or simulation, via our acoustic test resources.

Help you design quiet products

The 6NAPSE Group accompanies you on the vibro-acoustic performance of a product from the beginning of the V cycle to its end. It has a simulation team and a team dedicated to vibro-acoustic tests.

With skills in design, static and dynamic multi-physical finite element calculations and vibration and acoustic testing, the Group is able to offer a complete support solution for the development of a product, taking into account its vibration performance but also constraints of integration, reliability, mechanical strength and other parameters.

Since 1999, the Group has been supporting customers in various fields such as automotive, aeronautics, aerospace, sports and leisure, household appliances, etc.

This experience makes it possible to carry out studies ranging from the detection of the origin of defects to their resolution and solution validation.

Optimization via our state-of-the-art technology

Thanks to high-tech and transportable technical means such as accelerometers, microphones or scanning laser vibrometer, the 6NAPSE Group has the possibility of visiting its customers, regardless of the location of their site. It thus performs measurements on products that are difficult to transport outside of customer premises.

Means such as decoupled marbles or a semi-anechoic chamber equipped with a chassis dynamometer also make it possible to carry out characterizations in specific conditions making it possible to overcome environmental parameters that can disturb the characterizations.

Vibro-acoustic comfort

  • Knowledge of acoustic phenomena (industrial, automotive, aeronautics, aerospace, etc.)
  • Acoustic comfort
  • Silent design development support
  • Development of innovative characterization methods
  • Experimental research and acoustic simulation
  • Prediction of the vibro-acoustic performance by finite element calculations (Salome/Code_Aster, Actran) and by analytical calculations (Matlab, Octave, Python)
  • Detection of vibro-acoustic defects on products ranging in size from a few microns by laser vibrometry up to several meters
  • Support for product redesign
  • Definition of standard solutions (e.g. choice of commercial filtration pads)
  • Design of personalized solutions (ex: mechanical redesign)


  • Support in the upstream development phase (NVH) complete vehicle or systems.
  • Acoustic diagnosis and problem solving
  • Identification of noise sources by analysis of transfer paths or listening (study by Squeak and Rattle)
  • Analysis of vibrational and acoustic properties of materials
  • Accompaniment of customers in compliance with specifications and standards in force
  • Measurements on electronic card bonding wires of a few micrometers without contact (no mass added to the system)
  • Measurements of sources and pathways on complete automobiles, wagons, etc.
  • Detection of a filtration defect in a measurement system on board rolling stock, definition of a solution, redesign, validation by measurement

Two case studies and exploratory acoustic measurements on refrigeration unit and motorized fan unit

Objective: identify the sources of noise, propose solutions to allow the customer to reach a level of regulated requirement
by a standard, a specification or to propose a solution to an inconvenience.



Scanning laser vibrometry

Contact us to discuss your needs quickly and technically!