Materials and surfaces expertise
The 6NAPSE Group provides manufacturers with an operational platform for studying materials and surfaces.
The 6NAPSE Group has 2 laboratories specialized in materials and surfaces, which complement each other in terms of skills and types of characterization and expertise.
The Group’s response concerns all materials: ceramics, polymers, minerals, metals and composites.
Our 450 industrial customers in 2020 attest to the wide range of our skills in materials and surfaces. We have nearly 30 employees in our materials laboratories.
Materials and surfaces expertise
We support manufacturers on the following topics (non-exhaustive list):
- Characterization of materials
- Physico-chemical characterization of raw materials
- Product characterization
- Expertise and identification of the cause of a failure
- Identification of particles, pollution or contamination
- Characterization of surfaces and their characteristics
- Environmental or accelerated aging in a standardized atmosphere
Our range of state-of-the-art equipment allows us to analyze the issues in detail in order to respond appropriately to each context.
Our facilities offer a framework for coupling material characterization tools with environmental aging methods. The experience acquired by our doctors, engineers and technicians makes it possible to carry out failure analyzes on all types of materials (metal, polymer, glass, ceramics, etc.) and surfaces. Our human size allows direct contact between our technical staff and manufacturers.
The 6NAPSE Group has obtained ISO 9001 certification. This assures our customers of the relevance and reliability of our work in respect of deadlines and commitments.
- Physico-chemical analysis
- Chemical Analysis
- Metallurgical analyzes
- Materials analysis
- Product analysis
- Metal analysis
- Powder analysis
- Polymer analysis
- Rubber and elastomers analysis
- Silicone analysis
- Composites analysis
- Glass analysis
- Ceramic analysis
- Surface coating analysis
- Surface treatment analysis
- Heat treatment analysis
- Failure expertise
- Particle detection
- Nanoparticles analysis
- Chemical composition analysis
- Concentration analysis
- Elemental impurities analysis
- Heavy metal analysis
- Substance analysis
- Microbiological analysis
- Layer thickness measurement

Contact us to discuss your needs quickly and technically!