Industrial production
Noise Reduction on Production Lines, Operator Safety and Production Quality
The 6NAPSE Group provides expertise to factories and industrial production units (automotive, mobility, pharmaceuticals, heavy industry (boilermaking, piping, industrial mechanics), aeronautics, electronics, sports and leisure, food processing, etc.).
Our offer is made to meet the requirements of product quality, safety and comfort of operators in the production area. Our specificity is to make tailor-made to adapt our means of control to your technical and economic constraints: dimensions, operability, cost, speed of control.
Our expertise is in line with the different production phases:
#1 Pre-industrialization
#2 Production
#3 End of production line

Anticipate the risk of noise and vibration emitted by production machines
Problem: On industrial production lines, it is sometimes observed that the noise level of the machines creates an acoustic annoyance for the operators, or even a high level of exposure.
To support occupational health issues (QHSE / CHSCT), the 6NAPSE Group has skills to anticipate these noise problems but also vibrations to be taken into account, from the design phase of the machines:
Solution :
The 6NAPSE Group has the means to work on these elements:
- Numerical simulation: acoustic and vibration calculation on machine
- Acoustic measurement: laboratory tests on machines to measure the noise emitted
- Dimensioning of sound absorption solutions : characterization of materials and definition of the right materials to apply according to noise levels
Ensuring operator safety and comfort
Problem: The arrival in recent years of automated machines on production lines has brought its share of constraints and questions. The mechanical resistance over time of these tools but also the potential risks on an increase in the production rate.
Projection and falling objects are all possible risks and linked to poor consideration of the ratio of production rate (or intensive use of machines) / durability of these machines.
The 6NAPSE Group can intervene when the production units are operational and on machines that have been in use for several months and/or years.
Solution :
- Vibration and acoustic measurements for the control of machines which may have experienced a failure, a breakage. The goal is to determine if the vibration phenomena had an impact on the reliability of the machine. These measurements are also achievable and useful for the generation part of parasitic noise emanating from the machine. The overall noise generated can sometimes exceed levels that are unbearable for operators who will not be sufficiently protected despite the use of hearing protection plugs or helmets.
- Application of solutions: work on the decoupling pads of the machine for vibration damping or even the construction of an acoustic box on the machine in order to attenuate the noise, is possible.
- Failure expertise: to define the origins of a material problem. Whether it is premature ageing, breakage, a process defect or an undesired change in the state of matter (fractographic analysis, corrosion expertise)

End of production line
Control the manufacturing quality
Problem: The increase in production rates requires manufacturers to guarantee and have quality control of their product(s) coming off the production lines.
As such, the 6NAPSE Group develops simple and rapid means of control for operators to validate, by technologies related to vibrations and acoustics, finished products.
Directly integrated into production lines, these test benches are custom-designed, manufactured and assembled by 6NAPSE Group teams. Installation is also supported.
Training on the use of the bench is given as well as a descriptive notice and elements requiring regular inspection and maintenance.
Solution :
- End of line control bench: check the parts at the end of the assembly and production line to control their good manufacture
- Foreign body analysis (pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, etc.)
6NAPSE group assets :
- An intervention everywhere in France and abroad (travel on factory)
- A mastery of technical skills in engineering: tests and simulations in vibration and acoustics, analysis laboratories, audit on customer site, definition of tailor-made solutions
- A dedicated 6NAPSE GROUP project manager
Contact us to discuss your needs quickly and technically!