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Testing and analysis laboratory for the cosmetics industry

The 6NAPSE Group test your cosmetic packaging and products.

Expertise at the service of Cosmetics and Packaging

For years, the 6NAPSE Group and its laboratories have been working with the cosmetics industry. We take care of the conformity and the validation of the products by carrying out the expertise of the material, the physico-chemical and chemical analysis of the cosmetic product or the packaging test.

laboratoire analyse cosmétique poudre

Cosmetic product analysis and expertise

Characterize the material / validate the conformity / understand the origin of a defect

Validation testing

Qualification of cosmetics and packaging

laboratoire de test flacon cosmétique

Laboratory reactivity:
1-3 days emergencies


  • Analysis of the color, hold and marking of a lipstick
  • Qualification of packages: transport situation
  • Aging with the use of a bottle of face cream

Custom Protocols

Standards ISO 9001, ISO 11607, ISO 17025, ISO 13355, ISTA, ASTM, NF EN 868

6NAPSE Group assets:

  • Experience of more than 30 years
  • Specialized laboratories
  • Quick delays in the laboratory: emergency 24h-48h
cosmetic valley, coeur battant de l'industrie cosmétique mondiale
Cosmetin Lyon

6NAPSE is member of the Cosmetic Valley, 1st international network of perfumery and cosmetics. We are also a member of Cosmetin Lyon.

packaging flacon
lipstick rouge à lèvres cosmétique
emballage packaging

Contact us to discuss your needs quickly and technically!