Particle detection and analysis

The 6NAPSE Group carries out the analysis of particles and contamination in products. The laboratory identifies the morphology, nature and source of the particle.
Particles are fine foreign bodies, sometimes minute or residual, present in a chemical substance or material. In the context of quality control or compliance analysis, particle analysis is essential to ensure their characteristics and the non-contamination of the product, particularly during its manufacturing process.
Particles analysis in Laboratory
Particles and pollution are foreign bodies dreaded by a certain number of manufacturers in view of the impacts and repercussions that they can have on the product or on the customer. it is therefore important to control pollution from all materials that can generate it (glass, polymer, metal, mineral, composites).
The 6NAPSE Group’s laboratories have recognized expertise in the analysis and identification of particles and pollution within several industrial sectors: pharmaceutical, medical, aeronautics, electronics, agri-food, cosmetics, spirits , water quality, etc.
Analyzes by SEM-EDX and IRTF spectrometry microscopy allow us to analyze and compare to substantial databases of all materials (fats, polymers, metals, glasses, chemical forms). We also establish with manufacturers references and databases from their raw materials, production lines or packaging in order to precisely identify a source of pollution (which may be mineral, organic or metallic).
The specificity of this skill is our ability to work on very little material. A particle of a few µm is enough for us to analyze pollution.
- Possibility of high resolution image observations with associated dimensioning
- Analysis by SEM-EDX to identify the presence of chemical elements from beryllium on all types of samples: metallic, mineral or organic.
- Analysis by IRTF spectrometry coupled with microscopy to identify the origin of an organic particle.
- Comparisons to benchmarks to identify particles.
- Analysis of contaminations in liquids (syringes, vaccines, pillboxes).
- Identification of surface particle pollution on a metal part
Our similar services
- Analysis of foreign bodies and deposits
- Single Particle Analysis: Determine Particle Origin (Organic, Inorganic)
- Powder analysis
- Particle size analysis: measurement of the size of particles within a powder (characteristics of the powder, identification of the size and shape of the particles, etc.)
- Morphological analysis of powders
- Physical characterization of powders
- Chemical analysis of powders
- Nanoparticles analysis
- Microplastics analysis and nanoplastics analysis
- Substance analysis
- REACH testing
- Concentration analysis

The Analyses et Surface laboratory of the 6NAPSE Group has COFRAC testing accreditation (accreditation n°1-1720 – scope available on for the sampling and characterization of foreign bodies (particles, fibres) by Scanning Electron Microscopy coupled with X-ray microanalysis (SEM-EDX), stereoscopy and infrared microscopy (IRTF).

Contact us to discuss your needs quickly and technically!