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Mechanical resistance testing on product

essais de résistance mécanique sur produit, traction, compression, flexion

The 6NAPSE Group carries out mechanical resistance tests on finished products in order to characterize the stress resistance.

Product mechanical strength testing is crucial to ensure the safety, performance and durability of products in various fields. They help evaluate material properties and how they behave under different loads and conditions, providing essential information for product design, manufacturing and use.

Mechanical resistance testing on product

The 6NAPSE Group testing laboratory carries out mechanical resistance tests for all industries (luxury, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, mobility, packaging, sport, etc.)

It thus carries out the analysis of the stress-elongation diagram to determine breaking force, rigidity, etc.

essai de traction mécanique


Stretching a product in order to determine its strength and elongation at break, study of deformation behavior under stress.

essai de compression mécanique


Crushing at a uniformly increasing pressure of a product in order to determine its behavior under an applied load. Buckling tests, perforation.

essai de flexion mécanique


3-point bending, 4-point bending and embedding bending to determine the stiffness and resistance of a product.

Main objectives

  • Assess breaking strength: determine the maximum force a product can withstand before breaking, ensuring it can withstand expected stresses during normal use.
  • Analyze ductility and malleability: measure the ability of a product to deform without breaking, ensuring its flexibility and resistance to impact or permanent deformation.
  • Check compliance with specifications: ensure that products meet the safety and performance requirements established by regulations and industrial specifications.
  • Optimize product design: identify weak points and improve product design based on test results, leading to more reliable and better performing products.
  • Control production quality: ensure product consistency and quality throughout the manufacturing process by monitoring the mechanical properties of materials and components.


  • Cosmetics: pump actuation force, holding the dip tube
  • Sport: compression on tennis racket, 3-point flexion on hiking poles
  • Luxury: pull on carabiner, bend on earring post
  • Automotive: compression on heat shield, tensile strength on connectors
  • Electronics: compression/bending tests on electronic boards to test the mechanical strength of components or the PCB board, traction resistance test of soldered components.

6NAPSE Group assets

  • Custom assembly
  • 1kN and 50kN sensors allowing adequate precision depending on the product
  • Test speed up to 600mm/min
  • Addition of environmental constraints (temperature)
  • Verification of numerical simulations

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