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Analysis and expertise of polymers and plastics

analyse polymères

The 6NAPSE Group carries out the analysis and characterization of polymers and plastics . Our laboratory also offers a wide range of tests to control the conformity of the polymer.

Polymers and plastics

Polymers are used in many industrial sectors: agrifood, packing / packaging, sport and leisure, pharmaceuticals, optics, mobility (automotive, rail, aeronautics and space), 3D printing, etc.

During their life cycle, they undergo many multi-physical constraints that can cause failures: appearance defect, breakage, mechanical defect, cracking, tightness of assemblies, degradation, discoloration, aging, etc.

Thus, polymers require material validation and control of their evolution in the environment.

Polymer expertise laboratory

Our laboratory supports manufacturers in the analysis and characterization of their polymers. In addition, our experts in the field of plastic materials identify the nature and origin of a defect on a polymer in order to put in place corrective and preventive actions.

Our laboratory carries out analyzes of raw materials up to carrying out complete expertise, taking into account the context in which the defect appeared. In addition, we also carry out validation tests in conditions to characterize the premature aging of the system.

Finally, our experimental skills are accompanied by simulation and calculation expertise. Indeed, we have advanced numerical models to evaluate the behavior of different materials in real conditions of use. This type of diagnosis allows us to define the constraints encountered by a product during its life cycle. We then support your teams in validating the replacement solution. The calculations performed also contribute to reducing the number of physical prototypes tested and to comparing their performance.



The analysis and expertise of polymers makes it possible to:

  • Validate the compliance of the material with the expected specifications and the constraints of the context by carrying out chemical analyses, mechanical tests and characterization of the polymers
  • Test the resistance of polymers to climatic environments, humidity, resistance to fluids or resistance to UV or the solar spectrum (sun test);
  • Observe a defect by microscopy in order to determine its origin (brittle breakage, following an impact, by fatigue, by material non-conformity, presence of inclusions, embrittlement, aging, surface preparation, wear, orientation of reinforcements, …);
  • Polymer failure analysis : diagnosis of the failure origin of a polymer and solutions
polymère polystyrene
impression 3D polymere
caoutchouc rubber

Polymer analysis

Polymer expertise and testing


  • Expertise of blistering on a metallized plastic part
  • Identification of the origin of a breakage on a POM part
  • Hardness measurement of multi-layer plastic films
  • Dosage of heavy metals in raw and processed materials of cosmetics, food, pharmaceuticals, etc.
  • Nanoindentation measurement on yoghurt pots
  • Validation of the nature of the plastic material (PMMA) following a defect during the transformation of a finished part
  • Analysis of plastic coating on finished product (surface varnish, paints, etc.)
  • Acoustic tests on cross-fit Jump Boxes (PPE)
  • Vibration noise testing of polystyrene products

Polymer categories

Polymers are often classified according to their thermomechanical properties. There are 4 categories:

  • Thermoplastic polymers: PVC, polyethylene (PE), polyamide (PA)
  • Elastomers: rubber, EPDM, neoprene, silicone, fluoroelastomer
  • Thermoplastic Elastomers (TPE): Polyurethane TPE, Styrenic TPE, Thermoplastic Copolyester (COPE)
  • Thermosetting polymers: polyurethane, epoxy, bakelite (phenoplast)

6NAPSE Group assets

  • All the controls, tests and analyzes of our laboratories are carried out in compliance with the quality criteria of our industrial customers.
  • Short standard deadlines and possibilities of urgent care

Contact us to discuss your needs quickly and technically!