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Multiphysics simulation

The 6NAPSE Group offers you a wide choice of multiphysics simulation : modeling, thermomechanics of structures, vibration dynamics, acoustics, fast dynamics and fluid mechanics.

An complete study of the functioning and properties of a system thanks to multiphysics modeling

The 6NAPSE Group supports you in the creation of your digital models for your various simulation needs (finite elements, model coupling, analytical and semi-analytical model, etc.).

The complexity of the physical phenomena to be represented is always greater. This evolution implies a greater use of different numerical models or and the coupling of different physics (vibro-acoustics, thermomechanical, electromagnetic and vibratory, etc.).

Mechanical and thermal simulation

Mechanical simulation

Test the mechanical resistance of your products! With Code_Aster and Radioss software, we perform static calculations to assess their capabilities.

We also use digital design optimization techniques to help our customers design new products or improve existing ones. A typical application is the lightening of an iso-performance structure.

Thermomechanical simulation

The addition of the temperature of the setting in data of calculations of structures (static or dynamic) can have a significant impact on the mechanical behavior of the parts. That is why, thermomechanical simulation is important

Thermal simulation

We perform heat transfer calculations by conduction, convection and radiation. The applications of our thermomechanical coupling models are numerous: electronic devices, machining processes, dissipation of mechanical energy, etc.

With our fire resistance simulations, we support the design of fireproof products by modeling them in a fire situation to validate compliance with the standards in force.

Acoustic and vibration simulation

Acoustic simulation

The 6NAPSE Group carries out acoustic calculations.

  • Airborne noise: we carry out acoustic calculations for the frequencies and natural modes of cavities or pipe networks, the acoustic propagation in an exhaust line or the acoustic reduction provided by an insulator.
  • Structure-borne noise: we perform coupled fluid-structure calculations in order to predict the sound levels generated by the vibration of a structure or the vibration levels of a structure subjected to acoustic loading.
  • Aeroacoustic noise: we offer calculation services for noise of aerodynamic origin.

Vibration simulation

Validate your product designs by measuring their vibration resistance! Manufacturers have integrated that vibrations (transport or conditions of use) could drastically reduce the life of their products. Their modeling in living conditions allows the calculation of stresses, the spectra of efforts and accelerations and the recommendation of improvements.

Our models also allow a reduction of vibrations. Through our expertise in viscoelastic materials, we design effective and robust damping solutions.

Modeling of acoustic materials

In addition to its acoustic characterization means, the 6NAPSE Group offers identification of a porous material model or a poro-elastic model (foam, glass wool, rock wool) from measurements taken within its materials laboratory. A correlation is made with the impedance tube measurement to provide you with a model with representative acoustic behavior.

The Transfer Matrix Method (TMM) allows the modeling of damping treatments, multilayer materials and composites in order to determine the sound absorption coefficient (SAC) and the sound reduction index (STL) of your products.

Vibroacoustic simulation

The origin of an acoustic problem on your product comes in most cases from a coupling between the vibration of the structure and the propagation of the resulting acoustic wave. It then becomes necessary to model the vibration and acoustic phenomena in a single model in order to understand the source of the noise and reduce its impact on its environment.

Whether it is an industrial problem (example: radiated noise from a heat engine) or a building problem (example: improvement of the acoustic insulation of multilayers), the 6NAPSE Group supports you in improving your products. We have high-performance finite element calculation software (Actran, Code_Aster) and extensive feedback from our teams. Thus, we support you from sizing assistance to recommendations to stay within the normative framework (calculation of standardized acoustic indicators).

Other simulations

Electro-magnetic modeling

In the context of noise reduction induced by electric motors (automotive, household appliances, sports and leisure, etc.), the 6NAPSE Group uses the electromagnetic calculation software Flux and Manatee to analyze the noise induced by electric motors .

The coupled use of Optistruct and Actran also makes it possible to model the complete chain of the electric motor with noise radiated by vibrations.

Earthquake resistance calculations

Whether for the Nuclear industry or Oil & Gas, the simulation teams of the 6NAPSE Group are expert users of the Code_Aster software. They are thus able to produce calculation notes for the earthquake resistance of equipment (electrical cabinets, valves, etc.)

Impact and Crash Test simulation

We are able to support you on impact simulation and/or crash simulation on your products.

A digital solution to observe the evolution of your product under defined conditions.



caractérisation vibroacoustique matériaux

Vibro-acoustic characterization means

Contact us to discuss your needs quickly and technically!